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Welcome to “Traffic Generation Explosion”. I am going to be sharing with you several fantastic ways to drive traffic to your website(s). I would suggest sitting down with a pen and paper, and just take notes on the traffic generation methods that you would like to try.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
How to Make Money With Global Data Entry
So I Will start with the first of my programs:
Global Data Entry Training Course & Jobs
This has always been my main program that i have spent years perfecting. Everyone who had this information has joined for this program. This is a very simple program that anyone can do as long as they are able to do a little typing. This can be as simple as typing very short lines of data and posting to the internet. I will give you complete training on this program from start to finish. I will get you on your way to earning some nice income as we mentioned before you joined. The advantage of this program to the other three programs i offer, is that it is simple to understand and get started, not to mention that it can generate income very easily.
What exactly is Global Data Entry?
As companies are beginning to realize that the Internet is rapidly becoming the best place to market their products and services, it is predicted that by the year 2012 Internet commerce for many large companies may make up to 80% of their total revenue. The problem these companies are finding out is that this retail mega-giant called the Internet is so huge, that in order to properly market on it they need all the help they can get. These companies look to outsource this part of their company to affiliate data operators, and in return the affiliate data operators charge them a fee. You are the affiliate data operator, that will provide marketing on the Internet for some of these companies. To make it easy for you to keep track of your earnings, you are going to use the administrative services we will provide you. You will never be charged a dime for the administrative services because you are providing a service to them. The companies pick up the bill for all of this, and your salary as well.
How will you market for these companies?
In our training we will focus on all the methods that are currently in use today to market for these companies. We use special posting software, e-mailings, classified ads, e-zine article posts, link generators, online forums, blogs, and search engines. The methods we teach you are currently being used by virtually all Internet marketers today. You will not just be posting ads through emails (that is what the other so-called data-entry programs teach). You will not just be posting ads for our company (also what the other so-called data-entry programs have you do). You WILL be typing and posting to the Internet using the best methods available for thousands of companies.
Video Tutorials
I will provide both illustrated text tutorials as well as HD (High Definition) video tutorials for each section of the training. You can read through the text then click on the video after each section to follow a video tutorial for the training of that section. This will help you better understand the process we are teaching for each section.
Get a Second e-Mail Account to Use for Your Work
Before we start with the training i suggest you get a secondary e-mail address to be used specifically for this business and the work you will be doing. This makes it easier to sort through your e-mail for your business and keep it separated from your personal e-mails. We have two free e-mail accounts you can choose from to get a secondary e-mail address.
Choose one of the two providers below:
You can get a second e-mail address for free at Yahoo HERE
You can get a second e-mail address for free at Google G-Mail HERE
We will give you a video tutorial on how to sign up for Google G-Mail:
The first administrative account is called Clickbank,
Who will list over 11,000 companies willing to pay you for your data submissions. They will pay you twice a month on or around the 1st and 15th. As an example, They will not take any taxes out of your check, but they will send a tax form 1099 at the end of the year to report your earnings. You will have the option to get paid by direct deposit, or by mailed check. You will need to provide Clickbank with an EIN which we have shown you how to obtain in our members home page. International members will not need to fill out any special tax forms, but will be required to report their own taxes to their government as specified by their tax laws.
The second administrative account is called PayDotCom.
They represent over 6,000 Web-based companies. Each company in PayDotCom's data base will pay you separately, and each company's pay dates are different. You will be paid the month after you have earned money. As an example, if you earned $3000 in May, then you would be paid in June. Since every company pays on different days, you realistically can get paid on everyday of the month. As an example, if you earned $3000 from 30 different companies in May, and all paid a different day, you could get paid $100 every day in June. Most of these companies only pay through PayPal, although some will pay you by check. We suggest getting paid through PayPal; this assures quick payment, with no chance of checks getting lost in the mail.
Our company (My-Data-Team), will pay you every month on the 15th of the month through your PayDotCom admin account. We also will use PayDotCom to track your earnings. We currently only will pay through PayPal or mailed check with prior approval from us. However, we are working on setting up payment options such as: Alertpay, or E-Gold.
So i will start the course with my nest post.In my nest post i will explain how to start with the first administrative account .
Make Money With A Blog
Some people have strong personal feelings with respect to making money from their blogs. If you think commercializing your blog is evil, immoral, unethical, uncool, lame, greedy, obnoxious, or anything along those lines, then don’t commercialize it.
If you have mixed feelings about monetizing your blog, then sort out those feelings first. If you think monetizing your site is wonderful, fine. If you think it’s evil, fine. But make up your mind before you seriously consider starting down this path. If you want to succeed, you must be congruent. Generating income from your blog is challenging enough — you don’t want to be dealing with self-sabotage at the same time. It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog — you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it. If, however, you find yourself full of doubts over whether this is the right path for you, you might find this article helpful: How Selfish Are You? It’s about balancing your needs with the needs of others.
If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads. Don’t just stick a puny little ad square in a remote corner somewhere. If you’re going to request donations, then really request donations. Don’t put up a barely visible “Donate” link and pray for the best. If you’re going to sell products, then really sell them. Create or acquire the best quality products you can, and give your visitors compelling reasons to buy. If you’re going to do this, then fully commit to it. Don’t take a half-assed approach. Either be full-assed or no-assed.
Can you make a decent income online?
Yes, absolutely. At the very least, a high five-figure annual income is certainly an attainable goal for an individual working full-time from home. I’m making a healthy income from My Bloggs, and the site is only 19 months old… barely a toddler. If you have a day job, it will take longer to generate a livable income, but it can still be done part-time if you’re willing to devote a lot of your spare time to it. I’ve always done it full-time.
Can most people do it?
No, they can’t. I hope it doesn’t shock you to see a personal development web site use the dreaded C-word. But I happen to agree with those who say that 99% of people who try to generate serious income from their blogs will fail. The tagline for this site is “Personal Development for Smart People.” And unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your outlook), smart people are a minority on this planet. So while most people can’t make a living this way, I would say that most smart people can. How do you know whether or not you qualify as smart? Here’s a good rule of thumb: If you have to ask the question, you aren’t.
If that last paragraph doesn’t flood my inbox with flames, I don’t know what will. OK, actually I do?
This kind of 99-1 ratio isn’t unique to blogging though. You’ll see it in any field with relatively low barriers to entry. What percentage of wannabe actors, musicians, or athletes ever make enough money from their passions to support themselves? It doesn’t take much effort to start a blog these days — almost anyone can do it. Talent counts for something, and the talent that matters in blogging is intelligence. But that just gets you in the door. You need to specifically apply your intelligence to one particular talent. And the best words I can think of to describe that particular talent are: web savvy.
If you are very web savvy, or if you can learn to become very web savvy, then you have an excellent shot of making enough money from your blog to cover all your living expenses… and then some. But if becoming truly web savvy is more than your gray matter can handle, then I’ll offer this advice: Don’t quit your day job.
Web savvy
What do I mean by web savvy? You don’t need to be a programmer, but you need a decent functional understanding of a variety of web technologies. What technologies are “key” will depend on the nature of your blog and your means of monetization. But generally speaking I’d list these elements as significant:
- blog publishing software
- blog comments (and comment spam)
- RSS/syndication
- feed aggregators
- pings
- trackbacks
- full vs. partial feeds
- blog carnivals (for kick-starting your blog’s traffic)
- search engines
- search engine optimization (SEO)
- page rank
- social bookmarking
- tagging
- contextual advertising
- affiliate programs
- traffic statistics
I’m sure I missed a few due to familiarity blindness. If scanning such a list makes your head spin, I wouldn’t recommend trying to make a full-time living from blogging just yet. Certainly you can still blog, but you’ll be at a serious disadvantage compared to someone who’s more web savvy, so don’t expect to achieve stellar results until you expand your knowledge base.
If you want to sell downloadable products such as ebooks, then you can add e-commerce, SSL, digital delivery, fraud prevention, and online databases to the list. Again, you don’t need to be a programmer; you just need a basic understanding of these technologies. Even if you hire someone else to handle the low-level implementation, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. You need to be able to trust your strategic decisions, and you won’t be able to do that if you’re a General who doesn’t know what a gun is.
A lack of understanding is a major cause of failure in the realm of online income generation. For example, if you’re clueless about search engine optimization (SEO), you’ll probably cripple your search engine rankings compared to someone who understands SEO well. But you can’t consider each technology in isolation. You need to understand the connections and trade-offs between them. Monetizing a blog is a balancing act. You may need to balance the needs of yourself, your visitors, search engines, those who link to you, social bookmarking sites, advertisers, affiliate programs, and others. Seemingly minor decisions like what to title a web page are significant. In coming up with the title of this article, I have to take all of these potential viewers into consideration. I want a title that is attractive to human visitors, drives reasonable search engine traffic, yields relevant contextual ads, fits the theme of the site, and encourages linking and social bookmarking. And most importantly I want each article to provide genuine value to my visitors. I do my best to create titles for my articles that balance these various needs. Often that means abandoning cutesy or clever titles in favor of direct and comprehensible ones. It’s little skills like these that help drive sustainable traffic growth month after month. Missing out on just this one skill is enough to cripple your traffic. And there are dozens of these types of skills that require web savvy to understand, respect, and apply.
This sort of knowledge is what separates the 1% from the 99%. Both groups may work just as hard, but the 1% is getting much better results for their efforts. It normally doesn’t take me more than 60 seconds to title an article, but a lot of experience goes into those 60 seconds. You really just have to learn these ideas once; after that you can apply them routinely.
Whenever you come across a significant web technology you don’t understand, look it up on Google or Wikipedia, and dive into it long enough to acquire a basic understanding of it. To make money from blogging it’s important to be something of a jack of all trades. Maybe you’ve heard the expression, “A jack of all trades is a master of none.” That may be true, but you don’t need to master any of these technologies — you just have to be good enough to use them. It’s the difference between being able to drive a car vs. becoming an auto mechanic. Strive to achieve functional knowledge, and then move on to something else. Even though I’m an experienced programmer, I don’t know how many web technologies actually work. I don’t really care. I can still use them to generate results. In the time it would take me to fully understand one new technology, I can achieve sufficient functional knowledge to apply several of them.
Thriving on change
Your greatest risk isn’t that you’ll make mistakes that will cost you. Your greatest risk is that you’ll miss opportunities. You need an entrepreneurial mindset, not an employee mindset. Don’t be too concerned with the risk of loss — be more concerned with the risk of missed gains. It’s what you don’t know and what you don’t do that will hurt you the worst. Blogging is cheap. Your expenses and financial risk should be minimal. Your real concern should be missing opportunities that would have made you money very easily. You need to develop antennae that can listen out for new opportunities. I highly recommend subscribing to Darren Rowse’s Problogger blog — Darren is great at uncovering new income-generating opportunities for bloggers.
The blogosphere changes rapidly, and change creates opportunity. It takes some brains to decipher these opportunities and to take advantage of them before they disappear. If you hesitate to capitalize on something new and exciting, you may simply miss out. Many opportunities are temporary. And every day you don’t implement them, you’re losing money you could have earned. And you’re also missing opportunities to build traffic, grow your audience, and benefit more people.
I used to get annoyed by the rapid rate of change of web technologies. It’s even more rapid than what I saw when I worked in the computer gaming industry. And the rate of change is accelerating. Almost every week now I learn about some fascinating new web service or idea that could potentially lead to big changes down the road. Making sense of them is a full-time job in itself. But I learned to love this insane pace. If I’m confused then everyone else is probably confused too. And people who only do this part-time will be very confused. If they aren’t confused, then they aren’t keeping up. So if I can be just a little bit faster and understand these technologies just a little bit sooner, then I can capitalize on some serious opportunities before the barriers to entry become too high. Even though confusion is uncomfortable, it’s really a good thing for a web entrepreneur. This is what creates the space for a college student to earn $1,000,000 online in just a few months with a clever idea. Remember this isn’t a zero-sum game. Don’t let someone else’s success make you feel diminished or jealous. Let it inspire you instead.
What’s your overall income-generation strategy?
I don’t want to insult anyone, but most people are utterly clueless when it comes to generating income from their blogs. They slap things together haphazardly with no rhyme or reason and hope to generate lots of money. While I’m a strong advocate of the ready-fire-aim approach, that strategy does require that you eventually aim. Ready-fire-fire-fire-fire will just create a mess.
Take a moment to articulate a basic income-generating strategy for your site. If you aren’t good at strategy, then just come up with a general philosophy for how you’re going to generate income. You don’t need a full business plan, just a description of how you plan to get from $0 per month to whatever your income goal is. An initial target goal I used when I first started this site was $3000 per month. It’s a somewhat arbitrary figure, but I knew if I could reach $3000 per month, I could certainly push it higher, and $3000 is enough income that it’s going to make a meaningful difference in my finances. I reached that level 15 months after launching the site (in December 2005). And since then it’s continued to increase nicely. Blogging income is actually quite easy to maintain. It’s a lot more secure than a regular job. No one can fire me, and if one source of income dries up, I can always add new ones. We’ll address multiple streams of income soon…
Are you going to generate income from advertising, affiliate commissions, product sales, donations, or something else? Maybe you want a combination of these things. However you decide to generate income, put your basic strategy down in writing. I took 15 minutes to create a half-page summary of my monetization strategy. I only update it about once a year and review it once a month. This isn’t difficult, but it helps me stay focused on where I’m headed. It also allows me to say no to opportunities that are inconsistent with my plan.
Refer to your monetization strategy (or philosophy) when you need to make design decisions for your web site. Although you may have multiple streams of income, decide which type of income will be your primary source, and design your site around that. Do you need to funnel people towards an order form, or will you place ads all over the site? Different monetization strategies suggest different design approaches. Think about what specific action you want your visitors to eventually take that will generate income for you, and design your site accordingly.
When devising your income strategy, feel free to cheat. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Copy someone else’s strategy that you’re convinced would work for you too. Do NOT copy anyone’s content or site layout (that’s copyright infringement), but take note of how they’re making money. I decided to monetize this site with advertising and affiliate income after researching how various successful bloggers generated income. Later I added donations as well. This is an effective combo.
How to Join AdSense
In late 2008, Google tightened up their acceptance policies. According to an email I received from someone who was trying to join the program, you now must meet the following criteria before you are accepted...
- Your website must be your own top-level domain (www.domain.com and not domain.com/mysite). That means you can't just sign up with a free blogger or free web hosting account and get approved for AdSense.
- Your domain name must have been registered and active for at least 6 months before you apply
- The registration information that you provide during the AdSense registration must match your domain name registration information
- Your website must contain a substantial amount of original content
Once you meet the above criteria, go to http://adsense.google.com to apply.
When you are accepted, simply copy and paste the provided HTML code into any page that you'd like to show the ads. If you've done a good job of defining the content on your web pages, the ads that show should be relevant to the content of your page...increasing the chances of click-thrus by your visitors.
You can either display the ads vertically along side the page like Google does or in a banner-like formation horizontally across your pages. The placement is up to you. You can even customize the colors to match your site's theme.
If Your Site Is Rejected by Google...
If you receive that email from Google stating that your site has not been accepted, the first thing you should remember is that as an AdSense member, you become a partner and are representing Google, Inc.
They have to make sure the websites that display these ads are up to par or they could run the risk of losing advertisers. Imagine if you were paying Google to display your ad and you found it showing up on a poorly developed, junky website.
Of course, if your site is rejected, it doesn't mean it is poorly developed. There may be other reasons:
1) Is your site an "About Me" page?
Google does not usually accept these kinds of personal sites because most of them do not have a specific topic or theme. They are usually just random facts about the website owner or their hobbies, pictures, etc.
It would be difficult for Google's technology to display targeted ads on these kinds of pages because the topics vary from subject to subject.
They are looking for "themed" sites that contain a generous amount of information on a specific topic. It could be anything from sewing tips to sports. Just make sure there is an obvious theme with adequate information.
2) Is your site organized?
Be sure your site has a neat and clean navigation that's easy to follow. Also ensure all the links work and that there are no typos. Keep the colors to a minimum and make sure each page has a consistent layout.
3) How many pages are on your site?
Even though Google doesn't specify a page number requirement, many believe they are looking for web sites with a certain amount of content. Again, it's not likely a two-page site will get accepted. Try to strive for at least 15 pages.
4) Is your content solid?
Don't just submit a website with a bunch of links to other sites. Be sure you have a themed/niche site with enough original content of your own.
5) Is your site an exact carbon copy of someone else's?
Some believe Google can find out if your site is original or not. Don't risk it and steal from someone else. It will come back to haunt you.
If you're stuck, write a few articles of your own and then go to sites like www.articlecity.com and sprinkle a few of their articles around your site to beef it up.
6) Be sure to read their program policy and procedures carefully and make sure your site hasn't violated any of the terms.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Make Real Money With Google AdSense
Anyone who owns or is thinking about creating a website would be crazy to ignore this.
I am happy to say that making money with your site, no matter the topic, has become easier than it’s ever been before – and it’s 100% legitimate.
If AdSense had been available in 2000, I would have NEVER shut down my Advice for understanding computers blog that received 300 hits per day. I would have been able to earn money from that traffic and probably turned a small profit.
What is AdSense?
Google.com earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.
Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site. In other words, you’re helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.
This program is called AdSense.
Every website owner should at least consider the program. Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense — or at least enough to fund your website.
So if you are one of those people that doesn’t like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.
Yes, the money can be great, but if you don’t learn how to build a site that attracts targeted traffic then you won’t make much from AdSense.
Don’t pay a cent for these “Get Rich Quick” books on AdSense. Many of them are all hype. Learn all you need to know for free.
Click Here to Download for Free:
How Much Can I Earn With AdSense?
Google does not disclose exactly how much you’ll earn per ad that is clicked.
The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount. I’ve heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click.
So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt free, employment, make money, mp3, sex, etc. will earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web.
Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more.
Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you’ve generated that day, week, month, year, etc.
For example, if you see that you’ve made $12.60 today from 9 clicks then you can calculate that your average click-thru commission was $1.40 per click. That’s as detailed as their stats will get. Also remember, that’s only an average. You won’t know how much each specific ad brought in.
The amount you’ll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted traffic you receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience’s interests, the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click.
Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about. That way you’ll have a much easier time creating a generous amount of content on that subject.
How AdSense Works
After you sign-up for an account you can choose what sections do you want to put on your website or blog. Here are some pictures of the sections:
Google is very smart.
If you understand how AdSense works, you will see that it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, and the bottom line benefits Google. Let me explain…Since the advertiser’s ads are now being displayed on more web sites all over the internet (instead of just Google’s site), they are getting much more exposure. More exposure means more clicks and even more traffic for their site over a shorter period of time.
This is good news for Google because the more traffic the advertisers receive, the faster their advertising funds are used up.
Remember, they get charged every time their site gets a visit; and of course, it is Google’s hope that they’ll continue to keep funneling more money into their account for more ad exposure.
What an ingenious way for Google to increase the amount of money they earn from advertisers while building loyalty with website owners (like us) who are now getting paid to help them advertise.
Of course, I’d expect nothing less from the most popular search engine on the web.