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Friday, July 2, 2010

How to Write an Article for the Web

I`m going to give a generalization of how to create Web articles by knowing how to write a good articles, choose content and format articles to post to the web. I will show you how to create articles from recently published articles with out violating copyrights. So even if you have never created an article you can use the methods I will show you to become an expert article typer. You can use everything I show you in this tutorial for all of the methods I will show you such as: Creating Article Blogs, Google AdSense Revenue Sharing, and Creating Articles to be Published.

The Basics To Writing A Web Article

Most web-marketing experts tout the power of articles for their ability to create enhanced credibility for Web sites. But what they don’t tell you is… how the heck do you write an article?

Web articles can be about almost anything under the sun, and what may not seem interesting to you will be interesting to others. As you know there are Web sites on the Internet about almost every subject matter you can think of, and these Web sites are always looking for subject articles for their Web sites. This creates content that search engines want to see. This is why many companies are willing to pay top dollar for original content articles which is what we are going to teach you how to create.

You need two important elements for a great article: something to say and the means to say it. First let’s discuss "something to say", otherwise known as content.

It is impossible to write something of interest to others without good, meaty content. Content comes from your interests and experiences. To generate content you need to look at yourself and your life in a new way. Look for situations in your day which "hit home" in some way. If you are intrigued, frustrated, thrilled, challenged or otherwise awakened, then pursue the topic in greater depth.

As you work and play, have an extra mental circuit running which observes your life. Let’s pretend this circuit is a separate person, the Observer. Now when you go along your way, occasionally become the Observer and try to cultivate a new point of view. The Observer is not mired in your day-to-day struggles. Instead, the Observer watches you struggling, with clear unemotional vision yet with humor and an interest in patterns and themes.

Becoming the Observer will help you discover the interesting parts of your life which you can then bring to your reader. You can develop your golden nuggets of experience further by expressing them aloud to others (or even just to yourself). Through verbalization, you will find additional points of view and experiences of others to enrich your topic.

Then, research your topic by word-searching on your favorite search engine.

Eventually a theme or pattern will emerge. Go a step further and try to create a solution, position or attitude with regard to the theme. This will become your unique "take" on the subject.

Example: A consultant hired by a customer was irritating the customer by getting visibly excited whenever a small problem or issue appeared on the mutual project. The customer could have developed an article on their experience into a more universal theme and wrote "Beware the Chicken Little Consultant".

The theme is consultants who use fear tactics. The position taken in the article is that such consultants should be dismissed and their users should educate themselves from less emotional sources. The attitude of the article is lightly humorous and mocking. Calling the consultant "Chicken Little" in the title is an example of this.

So far I have covered how to find and develop content, including arriving at a position and an attitude about the central theme. When you have come this far, start writing immediately.

First, jot down a few sample titles which will help guide you in your writing. Write some key points you want to be sure to cover. Then, get started writing the article.

When you write, imagine that you are sitting by a campfire with a smart and interested friend. You are comfortable and lighthearted. Your unique personality is shining through. You have a lot to share and this excites you. Tell that friend your story. What is the first thing she needs to know? Lay the groundwork step by step. Toss in a wry comment or two but don’t lose the central path.

Tell your story in an order which would be most understandable to your listener. The order might be chronological or logical, building from one point to the next. Keep going until you bring it to a satisfying endpoint.

During this part of the writing, which I call "let go", try to refrain from second-guessing your words. You spent much time filling yourself with ideas. Now is the time to "let go" all of the ideas you have compiled. There should be a feeling of "flow". The words should want to come out. Let them. You will feel empty and good when you are finished.

After You "let go", You do a few quick re-reads and fix obvious problems such as reorganizing the order of certain paragraphs, or making the "person" consistent. This article is written in first (I) and second (you) person. In it, we are talking to you. It could have also been written in third (they) person. Example: "Experienced writers organize their ideas chronologically or logically".

You can mix the "person" for a lively article. Just be sure it’s not awkward.

Look also for time consistency. Is your story written in the present? This article is written in the present. Things are happening right now. In one portion I refer to an article I wrote in the past, however the analysis of the article was written in the present, because the article still exists.

You can mix past, present and future in your article. Drawing from the past and projecting into the future are powerful presentation methods. In your re-read, make sure that this is being done correctly. Inform your readers without confusing them.

Check to make sure you are consistent with regard to singular and plural. Example of doing it wrong: "We want to inform our readers without confusing her".

Make sure each idea has its own paragraph. When writing for the web, remember that your article may be displayed in narrow newspaper-like columns. Paragraphs should be short. Avoid paragraphs with more than six sentences (Don't Use My Program Tutorials as and Example :)) Keep sentences short. If you must have a long sentence, follow it with a short one to perk up the reader and keep her motivated to continue reading.

Here is a big one: cut out all extraneous words. Don’t repeat. Pretend each word is worth $5 and you are paying the tab. When you finish slashing words, go back and do it again. You will be surprised that you had so much filler.

When giving a list of points, do your reader a favor and write the points in a list with numbering or bullets. Don’t make the reader cherry-pick your ideas out of a blob of text.

Check your spelling!

Now that you have done your re-reads, save your work. Leave it alone for a day or two. You need this time to forget what you wrote. Next time when you edit, you will read with fresh eyes. Weaknesses in your article will jump out. Time to clean again.

Now read the article out loud. Speak every word clearly and not too fast. A good article should not only look good on the page, but it should also sound great when performed.

After a few days of checking, if you can’t find anything else to fix, you will submit the article for syndication and publishing rights to the publishing companies. This is the point of no return. Once the article is out there will be no more fixing.

Writers write because they feel a need. When they write, they feel fulfilled. It’s possible that you could be a writer. With effort you can experience the gratification of seeing your words in print and your ideas spread across the Internet.

What To Write Articles About

There really are not any guidelines for what to write your articles about. You can actually write about subjects you may have experience with; you may be an expert and not even know it. As an example, if you have children you deal with on a daily basis, you might be an expert on how to manage them and the everyday interactions you have with them. Write an article on some tips you have learned about how to manage your children. You might know everything about carpooling, time management, or making quick meals in a crunch, etc. You might have had a bad day dealing with a certain situation; you can actually vent that through many of the companies I will show you in my next articles.

You DO NOT want to write articles about negative subjects such as racism, hate or pornographic material. You cannot use profanity or defamation. Just keep it clean and you will be fine.

Do You Have Writers Block?

How can you overcome writer’s block?

Answer: I feel your pain. Writer’s block is related to
procrastination, but is much more serious. It stops us dead
in our tracks and strikes fear in our hearts. It doesn’t
have to be that way. If you follow the same writing plan
every time you write, it will eliminate stress and help you
avoid the dreaded Writers Block.

Here is a step-by-step plan you can use to avoid writer’s block. Here are some techniques you can use to start your fingers flying over the keyboard:

You Are The Boss: If you are having a tough time with a certain part of your article, delete it and go in a different direction. Replace it with something you feel better able to concentrate on.

Switch Things Up: If you can’t write your introduction, write your conclusion!

Google It: Use a search engine to read what others have written on your topic. Don’t copy them but do use their points to stimulate your own creativity.

Take A Walk: Get away from your computer and get a fresh perspective. Or, take your laptop outside and let the sun warm you up.

Just Do It: If you can’t write on your topic, just write about anything that comes into your head. Write about how you have writer’s block, write anything you can think of.

Sometimes, just getting your fingers moving is enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t give up. Only those who give up have no chance to succeed. Sit back, relax and read some articles written by someone you admire or the article sites we will give you to research. When you least expect it, the clouds will part and your writer’s block will fade away.


I`m going to show you a software program that will help you create new articles from previously posted articles. The way this works is that you will be able to search hundreds of article sentences and content from previously posted articles. You will then add in some of your own content to keep from copyright issues to create a unique article to be posted and/or published to the Internet. If you only use portions of articles such as sentences or parts of sentences this will also help you get past writers block and get you on your way to creating unique top notch articles for publishing, adsense revenue sharing, and for your blogs.

Downloading Software
This is an optional method and I will give you a manual method below that works as effectively. Many members actually prefer to use the manual method over the software. The choice is yours.

1) Start by purchasing and downloading the Article Creator Software by

(Save this file to your desktop for easy downloading access)

2) After you have downloaded software and installed to your computer you will need to use the user name and password provided to access the program:

3) After you access the software program it will look like this:


Here are some important features of the software

A. Keywords

Select a keyword that would best describe your articles subject; e.g. if you want to create an article on dog training then you would type: "Dog Training" here.

B. Keywords Displayed

After you select a keyword that describes your article subject then click on "RESEARCH" and you will get a list of keywords displayed here. The first selections will be "Introduction" and "Conclusion." These are the best sentences for the first and last parts of your articles. The other keywords can be used at any points in your articles.

C. Article Sentences

After you select any of the topics from section B, a list of sentences will be displayed in this area. To use any of the sentences for you article, click on the sentence and it will be highlighted.

D. Select Sentences

After you have highlighted the sentence to use, click on this button to select that sentence.

E. Sentences You Selected

This is where the selected sentence will be displayed for further editing and adding you own content. Remember these sentences are to get you started, and it will be important to add your own content to these sentences.

F. Move Sentences Up or Down

After you have selected all of the sentences you want to use in your article, you can move them up or down to format them into creating your article.

G. Delete Selected Sentences

If you have selected a sentence and no longer want it, click this button to delete the highlighted sentence.

H. Create Paragraph

You can create paragraphs in your articles by click this button on selected sentences to create a break between sentences.

To create a new article project, click on the "FILE" button, then select "NEW PROJECT."

To save your article after creating, click on the "FILE" button, then select "SAVE PROJECT." You will want to name your project what ever you choose and to a location on your computer for easy access.


If you are not wanting to invest any money for the software above you can use the manual method below:


The way you will use the manual method to create articles will be identical to the software method I have shown you above. The only difference is that you will manual search the directories I show you for sentences to place in your articles instead of using the Article Creator software. The advantage of using the manual method is that you can find better sentences by doing a manual search in the article directories as the software program sometimes will not pick out the best sentences for your articles. The manual method will take a little longer to search the articles, but when it comes to creating good articles time is not an issue.

How to use the following directories
Click on either of the two directories I listed below; then type a keyword that best describes the subject of your article you are wanting to create. You will find a search box in both of these article sites to type your search. As an example if you are wanting to find articles about dog training, then type a search "DOG TRAINING" in the search box and you will get hundreds even thousands of articles on dog training. You can then go view each article and take some good points, sentences and content to be placed into your article. Make sure not to copy too much of each article as this will violate copyrights. I suggest to take one or two different sentences from each article at most. You will then add your own content to these sentences to create a good article to be published, or posted to the Internet. By doing this it will always show as a unique article and not a copied article.

The following article Web sites have thousands of articles for you to research and get ideas, and content from. You can use parts of sentences for some of your articles and then you can expand on them from there. Use parts of sentences will keep you safe from copyrights violations and to assure original content you will send to be published for pay, or posted through your blogs or revenue sharing programs.

Here are the FREE article Web sites for you to research




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