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Sunday, August 29, 2010


I`ve found a verry good possibility of income with some home typing jobs, so i`ve decided to share this information with you by starting another training articles.

My Home Typing Training will show you how to create an income from typing articles, posts, short stories, and other various tasks and posting to the Internet to get paid. These are the actual jobs you will be doing and getting paid for. You are not going to have to apply for work because you are creating the work that will create an income as I will show you in this training.
One of the main sources of income will come by way of typing very short articles. Typing articles and posting them to the Internet is the hottest thing and is rapidly expanding to include additional opportunities that are being created almost daily. The reason this has become so popular is that search engines are using fresh content on Web sites as a primary deciding factor to rank Web sites and blogs on the Internet. Web sites are constantly looking for fresh content and will pay top dollar for these articles. Not only will you be able to create content for Web sites, but I will also show you how to benefit the same way these Web sites do by typing articles for yourself and creating ways you will make money
like they do, WITHOUT having to own a Web site. You will NEVER have to pay any additional money to do anything I show you in these programs. This opportunity meets a need and a growing demand, so it is time for you to cash in on this opportunity.

You will get detailed instructions on how and where to post your articles. The most effective way I`m going to show you is how to create your own Weblogs and how you can bring readers to your blog by getting it indexed in the search engines such as Google,Yahoo and MSN at no cost. By doing this you can create traffic that in return will create the kind of income you hear about people generating everyday on the Internet. Unlike many other work-at-home programs, I will show you what other people are doing, and will show you that they are succeeding by doing these jobs I am going to have you do. I want to do this for two reasons: (1) to give you proof that this actually works, and (2) to help motivate you that by following this program and working from home you can experience financial success.

How You Will Make Money and Who Is Going to Pay You
My training for each of the four programs is very detailed. It is important for Me to teach you everything you need to know in order to succeed. For each program I will explain the pay details exactly how and when you will be paid. With all four of the programs, the primary ways you will be paid are by Check, Wire Transfer, or Pay Pal. In most cases you will have the choice of which you will get paid.

Here are just a few of the income sources these programs can generate:

Income Source #1
I have companies in my network that will pay you for articles they can publish. They will pay for fresh content articles that can be about almost anything under the sun. You could type a short article about personal experiences and get paid. As a matter of fact, many of these companies look for exactly that type of creation, original and informative. These companies will only publish original content, so you can't copy any articles that have already been posted to the Internet. In my "How to Write an Article for the Web" training I`ve showed you how, in as little as 10 minutes, to create original articles ready to be published. The amount of money you will get paid for articles will range from $10 to $100 on average. I`ve had some people get paid as much as $400 for their articles. These companies, in return, sell these articles to companies or individuals looking for fresh content to include on their Web sites in order to help their own Internet rankings. This is a great way to make money for expressing your own creative styles and thoughts.

Income Source # 2
One of the most popular and successful sources is Google AdSense. Google will PAY YOU to place their Internet contextual ad boxes on the articles you post. You get paid for people simply reading your articles (no purchasing necessary). There are two ways you will do this: (1) by placing the special Google AdSense boxes on free blogs along with the articles you will create and post to the Internet, and (2) by placing your special Google AdSense boxes to post to different revenue sharing Web sites along with your short articles. The revenue sharing companies will do all the leg work to get you the readers, and all you have to do is post the articles. I will explain all of this in much detail in the training for these programs. I will also give you another pay source by a company called BidVertiser; they will pay you exactly like Google AdSense for placing their contextual boxes in your articles.

NOTE: Do not confuse Google AdSense (which pays you) with Google AdWords, which is Google's program where you pay to put your ads on their search engine. I DO NOT USE GOOGLE ADWORDS IN THIS PROGRAM.

Income Source #3
Another source of income I will teach you about is using affiliate programs to post to your blog articles that will earn you commissions, for sales or leads when someone visits your blogs. I`m going to show you how to find subjects and create content that will be relevant to any of the over 20,000 companies you can choose from. Each company will pay you based on their own pay structure. Many of these companies will not require any application; this will allow you to start working right away. You will be able to work with some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Wal-Mart, Avon, Best Buy, Target, AT&T, Sony, Apple, eBay, Delta Airlines, Marriot Hotels, Travelocity, Tupperware, and the list goes on. Partnering and creating articles about any of these 20,000 companies will allow you to make some great money as just one of the possible income sources.

Income Source #4
Another way to make money by typing articles and blogs is from companies in my network that will pay you to post their ads to your blogs once your blogs are indexed to the search engines. You can get paid as much as $35 per day from each of the companies that want to post their ads, NO ONE has to purchase anything from them for you to get paid; you simply put their promotion banner on your blog and you get paid. I will show you how you can get as many as 5 banners on your site at one time, creating a source of income for doing nothing but having fun posting simple articles. The reason they do this is to get exposure for their Web sites. This can create as much as $175 a day and cost you nothing but a little effort.

Income Source #5
I have a great way to make money by making simple posts to online Internet forums, and blogs. As a response typist you will be able to make posts, submit pictures, or videos and get paid for your efforts. There are no catches just post and get paid. The reason these forums are willing to pay you is that they need fresh content on their sites, and you will accomplish this for them. As I train you as a response typist, you will be able to make as much $12.00 an hour to post simple comments to the Internet.

You will never see anything in my program that will ask you to spend any money. Everything I will train you on is a 100% free experience. I pride my self on my program and that I can offer you these opportunities at no cost. If you have been searching for work-at-home opportunities for a while I think you can appreciate this.

So with the next article I will start with the first method of Creating Weblogs (Blogs).

Friday, July 2, 2010

How to Write an Article for the Web

I`m going to give a generalization of how to create Web articles by knowing how to write a good articles, choose content and format articles to post to the web. I will show you how to create articles from recently published articles with out violating copyrights. So even if you have never created an article you can use the methods I will show you to become an expert article typer. You can use everything I show you in this tutorial for all of the methods I will show you such as: Creating Article Blogs, Google AdSense Revenue Sharing, and Creating Articles to be Published.

The Basics To Writing A Web Article

Most web-marketing experts tout the power of articles for their ability to create enhanced credibility for Web sites. But what they don’t tell you is… how the heck do you write an article?

Web articles can be about almost anything under the sun, and what may not seem interesting to you will be interesting to others. As you know there are Web sites on the Internet about almost every subject matter you can think of, and these Web sites are always looking for subject articles for their Web sites. This creates content that search engines want to see. This is why many companies are willing to pay top dollar for original content articles which is what we are going to teach you how to create.

You need two important elements for a great article: something to say and the means to say it. First let’s discuss "something to say", otherwise known as content.

It is impossible to write something of interest to others without good, meaty content. Content comes from your interests and experiences. To generate content you need to look at yourself and your life in a new way. Look for situations in your day which "hit home" in some way. If you are intrigued, frustrated, thrilled, challenged or otherwise awakened, then pursue the topic in greater depth.

As you work and play, have an extra mental circuit running which observes your life. Let’s pretend this circuit is a separate person, the Observer. Now when you go along your way, occasionally become the Observer and try to cultivate a new point of view. The Observer is not mired in your day-to-day struggles. Instead, the Observer watches you struggling, with clear unemotional vision yet with humor and an interest in patterns and themes.

Becoming the Observer will help you discover the interesting parts of your life which you can then bring to your reader. You can develop your golden nuggets of experience further by expressing them aloud to others (or even just to yourself). Through verbalization, you will find additional points of view and experiences of others to enrich your topic.

Then, research your topic by word-searching on your favorite search engine.

Eventually a theme or pattern will emerge. Go a step further and try to create a solution, position or attitude with regard to the theme. This will become your unique "take" on the subject.

Example: A consultant hired by a customer was irritating the customer by getting visibly excited whenever a small problem or issue appeared on the mutual project. The customer could have developed an article on their experience into a more universal theme and wrote "Beware the Chicken Little Consultant".

The theme is consultants who use fear tactics. The position taken in the article is that such consultants should be dismissed and their users should educate themselves from less emotional sources. The attitude of the article is lightly humorous and mocking. Calling the consultant "Chicken Little" in the title is an example of this.

So far I have covered how to find and develop content, including arriving at a position and an attitude about the central theme. When you have come this far, start writing immediately.

First, jot down a few sample titles which will help guide you in your writing. Write some key points you want to be sure to cover. Then, get started writing the article.

When you write, imagine that you are sitting by a campfire with a smart and interested friend. You are comfortable and lighthearted. Your unique personality is shining through. You have a lot to share and this excites you. Tell that friend your story. What is the first thing she needs to know? Lay the groundwork step by step. Toss in a wry comment or two but don’t lose the central path.

Tell your story in an order which would be most understandable to your listener. The order might be chronological or logical, building from one point to the next. Keep going until you bring it to a satisfying endpoint.

During this part of the writing, which I call "let go", try to refrain from second-guessing your words. You spent much time filling yourself with ideas. Now is the time to "let go" all of the ideas you have compiled. There should be a feeling of "flow". The words should want to come out. Let them. You will feel empty and good when you are finished.

After You "let go", You do a few quick re-reads and fix obvious problems such as reorganizing the order of certain paragraphs, or making the "person" consistent. This article is written in first (I) and second (you) person. In it, we are talking to you. It could have also been written in third (they) person. Example: "Experienced writers organize their ideas chronologically or logically".

You can mix the "person" for a lively article. Just be sure it’s not awkward.

Look also for time consistency. Is your story written in the present? This article is written in the present. Things are happening right now. In one portion I refer to an article I wrote in the past, however the analysis of the article was written in the present, because the article still exists.

You can mix past, present and future in your article. Drawing from the past and projecting into the future are powerful presentation methods. In your re-read, make sure that this is being done correctly. Inform your readers without confusing them.

Check to make sure you are consistent with regard to singular and plural. Example of doing it wrong: "We want to inform our readers without confusing her".

Make sure each idea has its own paragraph. When writing for the web, remember that your article may be displayed in narrow newspaper-like columns. Paragraphs should be short. Avoid paragraphs with more than six sentences (Don't Use My Program Tutorials as and Example :)) Keep sentences short. If you must have a long sentence, follow it with a short one to perk up the reader and keep her motivated to continue reading.

Here is a big one: cut out all extraneous words. Don’t repeat. Pretend each word is worth $5 and you are paying the tab. When you finish slashing words, go back and do it again. You will be surprised that you had so much filler.

When giving a list of points, do your reader a favor and write the points in a list with numbering or bullets. Don’t make the reader cherry-pick your ideas out of a blob of text.

Check your spelling!

Now that you have done your re-reads, save your work. Leave it alone for a day or two. You need this time to forget what you wrote. Next time when you edit, you will read with fresh eyes. Weaknesses in your article will jump out. Time to clean again.

Now read the article out loud. Speak every word clearly and not too fast. A good article should not only look good on the page, but it should also sound great when performed.

After a few days of checking, if you can’t find anything else to fix, you will submit the article for syndication and publishing rights to the publishing companies. This is the point of no return. Once the article is out there will be no more fixing.

Writers write because they feel a need. When they write, they feel fulfilled. It’s possible that you could be a writer. With effort you can experience the gratification of seeing your words in print and your ideas spread across the Internet.

What To Write Articles About

There really are not any guidelines for what to write your articles about. You can actually write about subjects you may have experience with; you may be an expert and not even know it. As an example, if you have children you deal with on a daily basis, you might be an expert on how to manage them and the everyday interactions you have with them. Write an article on some tips you have learned about how to manage your children. You might know everything about carpooling, time management, or making quick meals in a crunch, etc. You might have had a bad day dealing with a certain situation; you can actually vent that through many of the companies I will show you in my next articles.

You DO NOT want to write articles about negative subjects such as racism, hate or pornographic material. You cannot use profanity or defamation. Just keep it clean and you will be fine.

Do You Have Writers Block?

How can you overcome writer’s block?

Answer: I feel your pain. Writer’s block is related to
procrastination, but is much more serious. It stops us dead
in our tracks and strikes fear in our hearts. It doesn’t
have to be that way. If you follow the same writing plan
every time you write, it will eliminate stress and help you
avoid the dreaded Writers Block.

Here is a step-by-step plan you can use to avoid writer’s block. Here are some techniques you can use to start your fingers flying over the keyboard:

You Are The Boss: If you are having a tough time with a certain part of your article, delete it and go in a different direction. Replace it with something you feel better able to concentrate on.

Switch Things Up: If you can’t write your introduction, write your conclusion!

Google It: Use a search engine to read what others have written on your topic. Don’t copy them but do use their points to stimulate your own creativity.

Take A Walk: Get away from your computer and get a fresh perspective. Or, take your laptop outside and let the sun warm you up.

Just Do It: If you can’t write on your topic, just write about anything that comes into your head. Write about how you have writer’s block, write anything you can think of.

Sometimes, just getting your fingers moving is enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t give up. Only those who give up have no chance to succeed. Sit back, relax and read some articles written by someone you admire or the article sites we will give you to research. When you least expect it, the clouds will part and your writer’s block will fade away.


I`m going to show you a software program that will help you create new articles from previously posted articles. The way this works is that you will be able to search hundreds of article sentences and content from previously posted articles. You will then add in some of your own content to keep from copyright issues to create a unique article to be posted and/or published to the Internet. If you only use portions of articles such as sentences or parts of sentences this will also help you get past writers block and get you on your way to creating unique top notch articles for publishing, adsense revenue sharing, and for your blogs.

Downloading Software
This is an optional method and I will give you a manual method below that works as effectively. Many members actually prefer to use the manual method over the software. The choice is yours.

1) Start by purchasing and downloading the Article Creator Software by

(Save this file to your desktop for easy downloading access)

2) After you have downloaded software and installed to your computer you will need to use the user name and password provided to access the program:

3) After you access the software program it will look like this:


Here are some important features of the software

A. Keywords

Select a keyword that would best describe your articles subject; e.g. if you want to create an article on dog training then you would type: "Dog Training" here.

B. Keywords Displayed

After you select a keyword that describes your article subject then click on "RESEARCH" and you will get a list of keywords displayed here. The first selections will be "Introduction" and "Conclusion." These are the best sentences for the first and last parts of your articles. The other keywords can be used at any points in your articles.

C. Article Sentences

After you select any of the topics from section B, a list of sentences will be displayed in this area. To use any of the sentences for you article, click on the sentence and it will be highlighted.

D. Select Sentences

After you have highlighted the sentence to use, click on this button to select that sentence.

E. Sentences You Selected

This is where the selected sentence will be displayed for further editing and adding you own content. Remember these sentences are to get you started, and it will be important to add your own content to these sentences.

F. Move Sentences Up or Down

After you have selected all of the sentences you want to use in your article, you can move them up or down to format them into creating your article.

G. Delete Selected Sentences

If you have selected a sentence and no longer want it, click this button to delete the highlighted sentence.

H. Create Paragraph

You can create paragraphs in your articles by click this button on selected sentences to create a break between sentences.

To create a new article project, click on the "FILE" button, then select "NEW PROJECT."

To save your article after creating, click on the "FILE" button, then select "SAVE PROJECT." You will want to name your project what ever you choose and to a location on your computer for easy access.


If you are not wanting to invest any money for the software above you can use the manual method below:


The way you will use the manual method to create articles will be identical to the software method I have shown you above. The only difference is that you will manual search the directories I show you for sentences to place in your articles instead of using the Article Creator software. The advantage of using the manual method is that you can find better sentences by doing a manual search in the article directories as the software program sometimes will not pick out the best sentences for your articles. The manual method will take a little longer to search the articles, but when it comes to creating good articles time is not an issue.

How to use the following directories
Click on either of the two directories I listed below; then type a keyword that best describes the subject of your article you are wanting to create. You will find a search box in both of these article sites to type your search. As an example if you are wanting to find articles about dog training, then type a search "DOG TRAINING" in the search box and you will get hundreds even thousands of articles on dog training. You can then go view each article and take some good points, sentences and content to be placed into your article. Make sure not to copy too much of each article as this will violate copyrights. I suggest to take one or two different sentences from each article at most. You will then add your own content to these sentences to create a good article to be published, or posted to the Internet. By doing this it will always show as a unique article and not a copied article.

The following article Web sites have thousands of articles for you to research and get ideas, and content from. You can use parts of sentences for some of your articles and then you can expand on them from there. Use parts of sentences will keep you safe from copyrights violations and to assure original content you will send to be published for pay, or posted through your blogs or revenue sharing programs.

Here are the FREE article Web sites for you to research



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Posting Data Submissions To Internet-Part III

As I promised in last post I will continue with the 4 and 5 posting methods.

Posting Method #4 - Opt-in E-Mailers


Opt-in E-Mailers

Result Time:

Can be as soon as one hour after posting

Posting Frequency:

Post each company as allowed in your e-mailer account

The object of this tool
The next way to make a web announcement is by e-mail marketing. This can be a very good way to get sales for the companies you are promoting, and it is all done in a professional manner. The methods I teach you are called "Opt-in." This is in no way spamming, as I will explain in a bit. You will be able to reach thousands of prospective buyers by typing a short e-mail and clicking a button.

E-mail Statistics
Jupiter Communications reports that e-mail marketing will become a $12.3 billion
business by 2009. Over 80% of consumers will be communicating via e-mail by 2009 according to Forrester Research. eMarketer reports that by year-end 2008, there will be 250 million e-mail users. E-mail volume has already eclipsed postal mail.

Obviously with startling statistics like this, e-mail should be a major part of your online and offline marketing strategies.

Using E-mail
The power of e-mail marketing is truly the "killer app" of the Internet. It is totally
revolutionizing direct marketing. Just by sending out a simple e-mail – you have the power to create cash on demand. Imagine, anytime you need more money, you just hit SEND! With the automated method it can sometimes be that easy.

Instant Results - Minutes after sending out your e-mail campaign you can start seeing responses and orders.

Low cost - No printing, no postage, no mail house charges. E-mail is nearly free to send out!

Testing on the go - How fast do you want to see results? Instead of waiting weeks
for responses and test results – you’ll have them in hours. Now, you can make
smarter decisions sooner.

Quick to create - You could whip out an e-mail in just an hour or less as opposed to weeks in the "offline" world.

High response rates - It’s not unusual for opt-in e-mail campaigns to get 5%, 10%, 15%, even 50% response rates something that’s almost unheard of in direct mail.

The Truth about "Opt-in" and "Permission" E-mail Marketing
If you’ve been on the Net for any length of time. I`m sure you’ve heard of spam. That’s the name for unsolicited commercial e-mail, mostly the "get rich quick" and "send me a dollar" pyramid schemes that find their way into your inbox. Many short-term minded marketers feel that since e-mail is practically free they can send out thousands and thousands of e-mails hoping for a handful of sales while dealing with the risks involved. We
don’t think that’s a good idea.

"Opt-In" Direct E-mail is the practice sending commercial e-mail to recipients that HAVE approved receiving commercial e-mail. These opt-in lists are targeted e-mail lists that offer marketers a "politically correct" way to reach their target audience on the net. Not only will your offer be sent to a targeted list, you won't have to worry about any problems because all recipients have "opted in" to receive offers like yours.

E-Mail format
An e-mail is formatted in two places, the "Subject", and the "Message". The subject is the first thing the e-mail reader will see, and this is what will determine whether they will open the e-mail or delete it. The message is where you will give the reader the description of what the company you are promoting is offering.

The important "subject line"
The subject line is what will make of break an e-mail campaign, if your e-mail gets read, you are one step closer to clsong the deal.

Savvy Internet marketers know that they must apply timeless direct-marketing principles, strategy and tactics to their Internet marketing in order to be effective. Here's how profitable direct marketing applies to e-mail marketing on the internet.

1) Think of your e-mail "Subject" line as the teaser copy on the envelope of a direct-mail piece. Envelope teaser copy has one over-riding purpose to get the envelope opened! And the purpose of your e-mail "Subject" line is to get the e-mail opened!

2) Think of the e-mail "Subject" line as the headline on a sales letter. The purpose of the headline is to make the prospect read the letter. And the purpose of the "Subject" line of your e-mail is to get the prospect to open the e-mail and read it! Simply apply the principles of writing good teaser copy and headlines to the art and science of writing good e-mail "Subject" lines.

Here's how:

Put the offer in the subject line. Here's an example of one for an office products company:

"1000 Address Labels Only $12.99 - Save $6.00!"

Clear as a bell, ain't it?

The key is to boil down your offer to the 60 or so characters you have available in your Subject line. Do whatever it takes! Test different ways to word your offer. If it hits them in the head like a bull's eye, they'll open your e-mail to find out how to take advantage of your offer.

2) Put your affiliate link code (promotion link/hoplink) in the Subject line, with a "call to action." For example:

"Check out

Simple, isn't it? The truth is, if your wordy and windy e-mail message ends
with a call to action that sends them to the same place, why not put it up
front in the Subject line? Chances are, many readers will go there directly
from the Subject line without even opening the e-mail, just to see what's
going on! Mission accomplished!

Then again, some will open the e-mail to find the "reasons why" you want them
to go there! And, if your e-mail sales message does the job well, THEN they
will go where you want them to go!

3) Apply the "Yellow Post-It Note/Tearsheet Mailing" technique. Did you
ever get one of these in your snail mailbox? It's a direct mail piece that
looks like a newspaper or magazine article, with a yellow post-it note that
says something like:

"Bubba - get this! It's great! J"

Well, these direct mail pieces are VERY profitable! Now, here's how to apply this to e-mail Subject lines. To place a name in an e-mail you will use a piece of HTML coding in the e-mail; for example, if you want to send the filling message:

"Hey Angie, Go to https://paydotcom.com/greatwidgets/12345- It's Great!"

You would do this by inserting a HTML code like this:

"Hey {name} Go to https://paydotcom.com/greatwidgets/12345- It's Great!"

The code can also be {name} depending on the service you use to send the e-mails. Check with the service you will use to see if this option is available.)

Test your subject lines
Write at least one e-mail Subject line in each of the three styles outlined above. Then test it against what you are doing now, or use it to start a new project. Test and compare many different approaches. Roll out with the winners. And then keep testing new Subject lines and go for a breakthrough! It's doable!

How to create the perfect e-mail "message"
It’s absolutely critical that you format your e-mails to 65 characters or less per line You see, everyone’s e-mail programs are different. That’s why sometimes you’ll see e-mails you receive look all screwy like this:

"Blah, blah, blah, blah,
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Blah, Blah, blah, blah…."

That’s a dead giveaway that you don’t know what you’re doing. So the secret is to make your messages 65 characters or less and use a hard return (that means hit the ‘Enter’ key when you get to 65 characters). You can create your messages using MS Word for spell checking and so you can get a word count.

Also, use a fixed-width font like Courier New at 10-point when writing. Then after you’ve edited the e-mail several times you will save that file as .TXT file (it’s one of the options under FileSave As). Then you will open up that .TXT file (text only) and set up a guide to use so you know where 65 characters occurs. A text-only file will open in your default text-editing program something like WordPad or NotePad.

"Good looks" are very important in an e-mail message. This is often overlooked
by many e-mail users. It is a fact that an e-mail's content is diluted greatly if the message itself is "not good looking". Have you ever received an e-mail message that looks something like this...

"Thank you for requesting more information about our services! We here at ABC Company would like to present a special offer to all of our cherished customers."

There are two main reasons why e-mail messages turn out looking like this.
Although the reasons are quite simple, many e-mail users don't understand them.
Reason number one is called line length. When composing e-mail, most people
just type and type without using a hard carriage return. If it looks fine when you're
done, your e-mail program probably automatically wraps the words in a nice
legible format. This word wrap is usually done based on a line length of
anywhere from 70 to 80 characters.

MOST IMPORTANT - Always add your affiliate link code (Promotion link/hoplink) in the body of your e-mail description a few lines after your main message, along with the "call to action" as we have shown you in Tool #4 (creating classifieds in BestMall demo). Here is a copy of how to place your promotion link into the e-mail message.

Sample E-Mail Message:

If you are like me and are tired of these outrageous gas prices, you should check out my site, Gas-Savers. There are 62 ways guaranteed to save you money at the pump. Stop paying the crazy gas prices, and start saving today. I will even give you some free cool bonuses I think you will enjoy.

To find out more go to:

You notice how I`ve placed the PayDotCom promotion link separate from the body of the e-mail message with the "call to action" of "To find out more go to." This is what you will want to do in all your e-mail messages.

Email Tips
When writing your e-mail copy throw everything you learned in English 101 out the

1. Personalize
There’s nothing better for a person than to see their name. Use personalization in the subject line and inside the body of the e-mail (but don’t overdo it so it looks hokey).

2. Write just like you talk
Use plain, easy to understand English. Nobody cares if you can use "xenophobia" and "ostentatious" in a sentence. Write almost like you’re talking to a buddy over a beer. So that means use contractions. Be friendly and personable in your writing.

3. Put passion into your e-mail
Since you won’t have the luxury of seeing your prospect eye-to-eye to gauge their
reactions you need to put extra passion into your message. Even if you think you are overdoing it when you write, your letter will end understated when it gets read. Get enthusiastic!

4. Write to one
Try to think of the ideal prospect as you are writing and make the message just for them. Even if your web site will be read by thousands of people each day every person will read it one at a time. Use "you" and "your" liberally. Focus on them, not yourself.

5. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short
Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and simple. Period. Paragraphs should be no more than 4 or 5 lines. You want your e-mail to look easy to read with a lot of white space. Make it inviting. Long blocks of words are scary. Paragraph breaks do not need to be determined by content.

6. Use plenty of compelling subheads
Subheads should be like mini-headlines. Use them to break up large bodies of text and to bring people back into the body of the letter.

A lot of people will scan your e-mail so you need to make your subheads give a complete selling.

7. Eliminate excess wording
Simplify. Convey your message in a clear and concise manner but remember that doesn’t necessarily mean keep it short. You need to ruthlessly edit your e-mail for flow.

8. Use action verbs whenever possible
If you see too many "as," "is," "was," or "were," replace them. Sentences using action verbs are more powerful.

When writing your e-mail you want it clear enough so any 6th grader could understand it. Now you probably think your prospects are a lot smarter than 6th graders but nobody has time anymore to sit down and figure out what you’re trying to say -- so keep your writing simple and straightforward.

Here is a sample of a completed e-mail before submitting

Manual Opt-in Services (100% Free)
I have a list of services that will let you e-mail members of their opt-in list. They are 100% free to use with limitations. You will only be able to use each of these e-mail opt-in services once a week for your e-mails. If you upgrade to a pay membership you will be able to send opt-in e-mails everyday.

How the opt-in e-mail services work
To use these e-mail services, also known as "Safelists," you will need to know how to get signed up and how they work. We will show you step-by-step how to easily get signed up with the safelists of your choice.

Step 1
After you have chosen the safelist to sign up with, you will click on the Web site I will list, and choose the sign-up option. Some will offer upgrades that you will not need to use. All of these safelists offer free sign-ups, and free-to-use services.

Step 2
You will need to fill out a short sign-up sheet which will include you choosing a username, password, and your basic information. If you choose to promote their e-mail service, they will include a payment option (promoting their service is optional and not required to use their services). The most important part of the sign-up process is choosing your e-mails. These services will require TWO e-mail accounts, one for contacting you, and the other for what is called "Subscription" or "Listing" e-mail. Here are the two differences:

Contact E-Mail: This will be where the e-mail safelist company will send you information in regards to your account matters. You usually will not receive any additional e-mails to this account.

Subscription or Listing E-Mail: - This is where other opt-in members will send e-mails to you in return for you to send e-mails to other opt-in members. It will be important to use the secondary e-mail account we mentioned earlier to sign-up with. You will get a lot of e-mail offers to this account. You do not need to read the offers if you choose. However, you will need to delete these to keep your account from bouncing the e-mails back, which can disqualify you from the opt-in program. Also never mark the e-mails as spam, as this can also disqualify you from the program. That is why I suggested getting a second free e-mail that you will not need to worry about this account, accept to check it every so often to clear it out.

Some of these e-mail services will present additional offers and services; always click "NO," or bypass the offers if possible.

After you have signed up with the e-mail safelists, you will need to verify your newly created account by going to your e-mail accounts and clicking the verification these safelists will send. You can then log into your account to start sending you e-mail messages.

You will never need to upgrade your account at any time. The services will try to have you do this whenever possible. This is 100% free as long as you do not choose the paid e-mail option on sign up or upgrade at any time, and I will list enough companies so you can reach a large audience of people.

Here is the list of safelist e-mail services:

Herculist BusinessWorldList OptinLister Cash4U
Cash-Blaster Elite-Hosting SuperSafeList SafeListDepot
Northwest Mailer SafelistGlobal MarkeToolBox PlanetX

Remember you can only post once a week to any safelist you signed up for, so you should sign up for as many as you feel you will need to post your e-mails.

The manual method I have just shown you is as hard as this will get but keep in mind that once you have your accounts set up the next time will be simple, you will just login to your account to send your e-mails.

Posting Method #4 - VIDEO TUTORIAL

Posting Method #5 - Article Submitting


Article-posting sites

Result Time:

Can be instant once articles are approved; 3 to 5 days

Posting Frequency:

Post each company just ONCE to this, tool

The object of this tool
One of the best ways to promote your company's promotion links is to type short articles to be posted to the web. If you do your own research you will see that this is one of the top promotion methods recommended by Webmasters. What this will accomplish is 1.) to get back-links to your promotion links, and 2.) to get a reader's attention about the company's product you are promoting. If the reader decides to visit the site you have posted in your article through your affiliate promotion link/hoplink, then you get the commission. The articles you will submit will be picked up by Internet directories, search engines, and Web Sites as well. This will create a large reader base for your articles.

How to prepare articles
When preparing your articles you will want to create them in a certain manner. You do not need to type a novel a simple two or three-paragraph article relating to the company you are promoting will do. You also do not want to make it sound too much like an advertisement, just some simple facts about the company you are promoting. This is why you want to do some good research about the company you are promoting so you can pick out some good points about the company to include in your article. To better help you on how to format your articles for publication, you can go to this article posting site and read various articles to get an idea on how to format them for publishing. Here is one site to visit called EzineArticles.
CLICK HERE to visit their site.

After visiting Ezinearticles.com you will have noticed that many of these articles are very short and to the point. You can take some good points directly from the Web site of the company you are promoting and put them in your articles. You would have also noticed that in all of these articles you see the author has directed the reader to the company they are promoting through their Web site/promotion links. Some article sites will offer not only a place to post your article, but also a separate place to post your links.

The hardest part is to create the article; the rest is simple. If you are thinking this is not going to be worth the effort, think again! You will be amazed at the return you will get from your efforts. Many Internet marketers use article typing to create an empire of wealth. No lie! As we mentioned earlier, do a search for "making money with articles" and read how some Internet Marketers have become millionaires from this. I`m not going to promise you that, but I will tell you that your efforts will be well worth it.

How many sites to post to
Although this tool is optional, I suggest you post the company you are promoting to at least two or three sites if you have time. The way to maximize your earning potentials is to post to all the sites I will list, or at least try to post to 15 to 20. You will post the same article to all the sites, so after you create one article it is just a matter of posting it to the article sites. I have a special software for you to use that can post your article to each site in a matter of a few minutes.

A. Manual Submitting to Article Companies
The software I provide below "Article Submit Software" MAY NOT work on all computers. There is nothing we can do to get this to work if it is not working properly. So I have a manual method to use if Article Submit Pro does not work. Even if the Article Submit Pro software does work properly for you, I may suggest to use the manual method as well, because it works so well.

What you will do is go to the two major article submitting sites EZINEARTICLES.com, and GOARTICLES.com. You will manually submit your articles to these sites. Being these are the two largest article submitting companies, you will be able to submit to these companies and it will be picked up by several other smaller article sites and posted to the Internet.



Article Submitting Introduction - VIDEO TUTORIAL








Submitting Articles to GOARTICLES - VIDEO TUTORIAL

B. Article Submit Pro Automated Submitting Software
I have a tool called "Article Submit Pro" that will enable you to post your articles to several article sites with a click of a button. This can save you hours of time. I will walk you through the tutorial to show you how to download and use this tool effectively.

Step 1
To begin, you will need to download the Article Submit Pro software

Step 2
After you have downloaded it, you will need to install it to your computer. When you open the "Article Submit Pro" it will look like this:

Step 3
Fill in your personal information.

Most of this is just basic information such as name, address, and phone number. Your personal information will not be posted, it is only for when you will sign up and sign into the article-posting sites.

I have placed some key points in the illustration above such as:

Website URL - This is where you will post your affiliate promotion link/hoplink to the company you are promoting. You can easily change this when it is time to post another company.

Website Title - This is where you can post a short title that best describes the company you are promoting. This will also be changed every time you post a new company.

Username and Password - At the bottom of this step it asks for a username and password. This will be for the Article Directories that require a login. Article Submit Pro suggests you use your e-mail address as the username for any and all directory sites you sign up to. This way you will be assured that no one else already has the same user name, and it will work for all the directory sites you submit to.

Click to next top button, "Articles," to continue

Step 4
Click the "Add Article" Button and a box will pop open which will look like this:

Title: Enter your article's title in the first space.

Article: In the second space, enter the full article you are submitting. A good suggestion is to keep it between 250 to 500 words max. If you submit less the 250 you will be okay, just do not go over 500.

Summary: In the third space, enter a brief summary of your article - 50 to 75 words should do.

Keywords: In the forth space enter any keywords that relate to your article, such as "Work from Home" if you are typing an article about a work-from-home company, or select a keyword such as "Dog Training" if the company you are promoting is about dog training, etc.

Then click "OK" to save your article.

You may enter multiple articles in this way. The articles will stay saved here and you may select them to submit to the article sites at any time.

Select the article you wish to submit by clicking it. You will see that it will stay highlighted when it is selected.

Click the next top button, "Web sites," to continue

The following screen will appear:

Step 5
In this step you will select the directories you want to post to. You may select just a few by using the check boxes, or select all of them by clicking the "Select all " button.

I`m going to give you a list of the best article site directories to post your articles to. You may select as many or few as you would like, or select them all. Place check marks next to any or all of the following:

Sites To Check Off:
A Woman In Business
About Small Business Information
Add Me
Article Bar
Article City
Article Farm
Article Pros
Articles Haven
Articles Magazines
Big Articles
Blog Widow
Business Know How
Business Knowledge Source
Common Connections
Concept Marketing Group
Comuli Ezine Finder
Digital Women
Dime Consultants
Fresh Articles
Home Business Articles
Internet Search Engines FAQ
Marketing Troll
Marketing Seek
More 4 You Article Directory
Morgan Article Archive
Promotion Data
Promotion World
Purple Pages
Reprint Articles
Self SEO
Site Reference
Small Biz Portal
Super Publisher
T&I Grafix
The All I Need
U Promote
Uncover The Net
Webmaster's Library
Work On Internet
Zone Bot

Edit only if needed
While you will not need to edit the directory sites often, it may become necessary if any of them ever change their login page or submission page URL.

Click on the site you wish to edit and select the "Edit button."

A box will open; enter the new login or submission URL for the article site. You may also save individual site's login details with this same method.

You may also delete article directories with the "Delete" button in this step.

In addition, if you would like you have the option to add new article sites that are not listed, such as

After you have selected the article sites, you will click the next top button "Auto Fill,"

That will bring you to the following screen:

Step 6
This is the auto-fill submission step.

The first time you run the software you will most likely need to sign-up at all of the directory sites that require a login for submission.

The first time you run the software will require a bit more work than usual, but the payoff will be worth the time spent, because if you save your passwords, the next time you run the software if you have saved your passwords they will all auto fill to log you in.

Again, I recommend using your e-mail address as your login so you can use the same login for all of the sites you sign-up for; this will make the process much easier next time you submit articles.

If you have not selected an article, this function will not work, so be sure you have completed all previous steps before attempting to start submitting your articles.

To start posting your articles, click on the "Start" button located on the bottom left of the submitter.

Article Submitter does not just blast your articles to hundreds of sites unattended. If it did there would be too many sites that would think your articles were just spam, as every directory site's submission process is a bit different, not to mention that they change all the time.

The purpose of Article Submitter is to help you submit your articles in much less time than they would take to manually submit, by placing the access to all of the directories in one handy software.

Article Submitter will then auto fill all of your information, including your articles, once it is at each site.

You will still need to manually select the categories your articles belong in and manually hit the submit button on each site. This small bit of manual interaction on each site keeps your submissions appearing totally manual, and it makes your articles appear to be of much better quality than articles submitted by similar Article Submitter "Spam Machines."

I again point out that the first time through is always the toughest because of the initial signing-up on the articles site, getting used to the features of this software, etc. Once you start using this, it will become so simple you will be able to post your articles in a matter of a couple of minutes or less.

Step 7 (Optional Manual Submissions)
The last button on the Article Submitter Pro is for manual article posting sites; it is optional if you want to post this way as they will require more interaction on your part.

On the few directory sites that are set up to not allow auto-fill on their forums, they created the manual-fill step.

You can still try the auto-fill button at the bottom of this step. Many times you will have much of the content filled in for you, but for the most part, on these sites, you will still need to manually fill in the content the old fashioned way.

Posting to article sites can earn you big paychecks.

Article Submit Pro Software - VIDEO TUTORIAL

I holpe this information helps everyone and you will make big money. In my next post i will talk about the Posting Data Submission Using Paid Methods.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Posting Data Submissions To Internet-Part II

As I promised in last post I will continue with the 2 and 3 posting methods.

Posting Method #2 - Ad Directories


Hundreds of search directories

Result Time:

Posts instantly - will take about 3 -5 days to appear in directories

Posting Frequency:

Post each company ONCE every 30 days

The object of this tool
The directory sites you will post to will post your submissions, usually instantly. These blaster sites will then feed your submission to hundreds of Internet ad directories. This will not get you direct results, but will accumulate a nice web presence. Since it takes about 60 seconds or less to post, it is a great additional promotion tool.

I will show you how to use this posting method.

When posting your promotion link for PAYDOTCOM companies you will need to REMOVE the "S" in the "httpS://" of your promotion link so it only reads http://. This posting tool cannot read the "s" in the http:// protocol. You will not need to do this for Clickbank promotion hoplinks as they are already http:// protocols.

Manual Ad Directory Submitter

These are Web-based sites to post to, so you do not need to download anything. Go to the following links:



Step 2
Web-site Title: You will enter a title about the company you are promoting.

Web-site URL: Enter your PayDotCom promotion link or Clickbank Hoplink for the company you are submitting

Email Address: Enter your e-mail address here.

D. -
Select Section: - Select the category that fits the company you are promoting.

When done, select "Add My Link" and you are done.

Posting Method #2 - VIDEO TUTORIAL

Posting Method #3 - Posting to Classifieds


Classifieds Ad Directories

Result Time:

Can be as soon as one hour after posting

Posting Frequency:

Post each company to as many different locations as possible

The object of this tool
The previous two posting tools have focused on your links for longer term results. The next four methods will focus on what is called "Web Announcements" which are designed to focus on getting more instant results by letting people know about the company and products you are promoting. One great method we have found is posting to classifieds, which will give you the option to upgrade to a paid account that will allow you to post more frequently as well as some other options, but this is completely up to you to do so. This is why I list many sites to post to so you will always have ad sites to post to without upgrading to paid account and keeping this a 100% free method.
There are two types of free classified sites we will teach you; "Required Sign-up, and "NO Sign-Up needed."

Required sign-up classified ad sites
The required sign-up classified ad sites are a good option if you decide to post a lot of classified ads to a particular site. The reason is that once you sign up for your FREE account the first time, it is simple to log-in to your account and post your ads. Because there is a sign-up this does not mean there is any fees, these are 100% free to post your ads to.

NO sign up needed
The NO sign-up classified are nice in one regard; you do not have to sign up for an account, however, the problem with the no sign up sites is that you will have to enter your Name, Address, Phone Number, etc. every time you want to post an ad. If you only post on occasions than this may be a good option. These will always be 100% free to use.

How To Use FREE Classifieds
I will give you a tutorial on the two main types of classified ad sites (required sign-up, and NO sign-up classified ad sites). Before I do that you should know the general guidelines on how to use the classified ad sites I will list.

1) Many free classifieds will have you sign up for a free account to post; you will need to present them with your information as they request. Use your 2nd e-mail account for signing-up as well.

2) To post your classified ad, you will need to select a category that will best fit the companies product you are promoting; for example, if you are promoting a site that offers dog training, then find a category like "Pets" and post your Dog training ad with your affiliate promotion link/hoplink for your Paydotcom or Clickbank companies that pertain to Dog training. If you cannot find a suitable category, then you can choose "Other," "Misc," or "Services Offered," as an alternative.

3) Some classified sites will have you select a price; so you will need to put the price that the company you are promoting is charging for the product or service. If you do not know the price, go the Web site of the company you are promoting and find the price. If you do not see the price on web page, then click as if you were going to order the product or service so you can get the price at check out before committing to purchase.

4) Now some of these classifieds may want you to select a location. You should try to select the broadest range possible, such as Global, World or Nation. If you have to be more specific then you have the choice to select a smaller location that will have less competition, but also less people searching your ads, OR you can select larger location like New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles etc., that will have more people searching your ads but, more competition. I suggest to mix it up a little.

5) You will also need to put a contact for the ad you place. This can be done by using your e-mail address. If you ever have to put your Name, Address, or phone number, that will never be displayed in your ad as it is only for you administration account with classified ad company. If you get contact in regards to the ad you placed you will direct the prospective buyer(s) to the web site through your affiliate promotion link/hoplink. As I will show you in the Craigslist tutorial you will need to do this frequently because Craigslist will not allow you to post your affiliate promotion links in the body description of the ad you place.


NO Sign-Up Classified Sites









* Alamonet - You must select the category on their index page first, then select the green box that says "Post Ad"

* Indian List - This is only for residents of India to use.

Required Sign-Up Classified Sites



* Craigslist - I will need to show you how to post to the best classified site in the world "Craigslist" in a separate tutorial below. The way to post your classified ads to Craigslist is different than the other sites I will show you, and the reason is that Craigslist does not allow you to place your affiliate links in the ad description.

# MySpace - In order to post a free classified to MySpace classifieds you will need to sign up for a free MySpace account. If you already have a MySpace account simply click on the link above and click on "Post an Ad - FREE." Many members also will set up a free MySpace page and post their promotion/hoplinks links on there as well. That is optional and you do not need to set up any pages in order to use the free classified ads with MySpace. This is one of the best classifieds to use.

A. How to post to classified ad sites
With the exception of Craigslist, which I will give you a special tutorial later, most of these classifieds listed above will be formatted as follows:

Here is a typical classified ad posting screen:

Departments/Categories - Select the best category that fits the company's product/service you are promoting.

Subject - This is where you will enter a title subject of the company you are promoting.

Department not listed (Optional) - If you could not find a category that fit your company, you can suggest on for future use here.

Brief Description - You will now need to give some more details about the company you are promoting, here is where you can add special selling points you have gathered in your research of the company you are promoting. You will want to add a call-to-action such as "For more information" or "To find out more go to" followed by your affiliate promotion link/hoplink as we have shown in the example above. Notice we place this a few lines below the actual description so it stands out.

Some classified ad sites may offer an option for a "Web site URL," here you would add your promotion link/hoplink to this option as well as adding it to the description of your ad as shown above.

Posting to Classifieds - VIDEO TUTORIALS




B. How to post to Craigslis

Craigslist is one of the simplest ways you will find to post your data submission ads. Craigslist is also the largest free classifieds on the Internet, and receives over 15 BILLION page views a month from over 20 million users. Imagine the results with this many readers; it is pretty amazing. There is another benefit of posting to Craigslist besides getting quick results; the ads you post can get indexed by the search engines. If you go to Google.com and type a search for various items, you will see that Craigslist ads actually get indexed on the first pages of Google. So you could have your ad seen by millions of people doing searches on Google as well. Even when your ad expires on Craigslist, it will stay active for months on Google. These are great reasons to use Craigslist to increase your income potential.

I`m going to show you some tips to assure you get the best results in a short amount of time. Craigslist does not allow you to use your affiliate promotion link for it is against their regulations. I`m going to show you a way you can still post to this classified monster that will take a little extra work on your part, but will prove to be worth the effort. I will start you out by getting you signed up with a free account. I will then show you how to select locations, and what category to post your companies and promotion links in.

Basic rules for Craigslist

There are a few basic rules that you will need to keep in mind when posting to Craigslist.

1) You can only post one ad to one location. You can post as many ads as you would like, but not the same ad to more than one location. Once your ad expires you can repost it to the same location, or to another location. So if you want to post the same company to more than one location, you would have to type a completely different ad to post it to another location.

2) You will NEVER post to the "Jobs" section of Craigslist, because 1.) it costs money and 2.) there are strict regulations to meet to qualify for posting to the "Jobs" category.

3) You cannot make false promises in your ads. For example, if you type "Join today and get a free DVD player." We will show you some features that will get the readers attention without being deceptive.

4.) As I have previously mentioned you cannot post your affiliate promotion link in your classified ad. I`m going to show you an alternative that works great.

There are some additional rules Craigslist has, but I have listed the main ones above.


Go to CRAIGSLIST by clicking HERE

Step 2

Click on "MY ACCOUNT" located in left top column.

Step 3

Click on "Don't have an account? Click here to sign up"

Step 4

Enter the e-mail address you will use to log into your account, fill in the confirmation code, and submit.

Step 5

Craigslist will send you a confirmation link to your e-mail to confirm your account. Click on that confirmation link and you will be prompted to choose your password for your account..

Step 6

You will then need to accept the Craigslist agreement. After you accept you will be brought to your newly created account home page.

The home page will look like this:

This will be the main account screen. Here you can do the following:

A. Choose the location where you want to post your ad.

B. See the status of all of your current ads.

C. All your current ads will be posted here.

To start your ad, you will need to select a location. There are two ways to look at this. First, you can choose a large metropolitan area like New York, Chicago, L.A, San Francisco, etc. The upside to this is that you will get more possibilities of traffic. The downside to posting to large metro areas is you will have a lot more competition with many more ads listed.

Second, if you choose to post to a smaller location, you will not have as much traffic as the larger areas, BUT you will not have as much competition in the smaller areas.

You can experiment with either; the choice is yours.

For my training I will use the S.F. Bay area to show you how to post your classifieds.

After you have chosen the area you would like to post to, you will then need to select the "type of posting" for placing your ad. You can take a look at the different types of postings Craigslist offers to see if the company you are promotion may fit into a particular niche. Ninety-nine per cent of the time you are going to want to select the "Services Offered" category.

After you select "Services Offered" you will then see the following categories:

Here you will select the category that may fit the company's product you are promoting. The best place to post is the "Small Biz Ads" if you cannot find a good category for posting your ad for the company you are promoting.

After you choose, your category you will be brought to the following screen:

Here you can choose any of the sub-areas of your metropolitan area. Craigslist will post your ad to all of these areas by default.

After you select any of the areas, you will be brought to the following screen:

You will click on the "Bypass This Step" option.

You will then be brought to the ad-posting screen that looks like this:

Posting Title: This will be the most important part of the ad because this is what the visitor will see first. The key to a good title is to get the reader's attention in the short amount of text you will post in the title line. Some great words to use in your title are: "Must Read," "Save Money," and the best of all, "FREE." If the company's product is not free, then you will not be able to post that. However, if you are getting paid for a lead for a free trial, this is the best time to place "FREE" in your title. You must also make sure you give a brief description of what it is you are promoting. For example if you are promoting a free trial to a weight-loss program, then your title would read: "Lose weight in the next 30 days - FREE TRIAL!" You will want the reader to know what it is you are selling.

Specify Location: Leave this blank; you have already chosen your location.

Posting Description: Now you can go into more detail about what you are promoting. Always type your ad as if you are the person selling the product or service. So you will use words like: "I," "ME," "OURS," "MINE," etc. You do not want to sound like a third party promoting and speaking of "THEIR," "THEM," etc. You want to make the ad more personable.

A VERY IMPORTANT part of your ad is letting the reader know to contact you for more details. The reason is that you will want the person to reply directly to your e-mail you are going to list with your advertisement. Once the person contacts you through Craigslist, you will re-direct them to your affiliate promotion link/hoplink in your response e-mail. I will explain more on how to properly do that.


If you are like me and are tired of these outrageous gas prices, you should check out my site, Gas-Savers. There are 62 ways guaranteed to save you money at the pump. Stop paying the crazy gas prices, and start saving today. I will even give you some cool free bonuses I think you will enjoy.

To find out more contact me at (Your e-mail address) to find out more details.

You notice how I noted to contact us separately from the body of the ad description with the "call to action" of "To find out more go to." This is what you will want to do in all your ads on Craigslist.

Also take a look how this ad was written short and to the point, as well as being personable by using the word "my." Also pointed out was that this site "Gas-Savers" will give the visitor additional bonuses and a guarantee.

You always want to point out the good selling points from the company's Web site you are promoting will list.

Email: - You will then add your e-mail address, and the verify it by adding it again.

Reply To: - If you do not want to list your e-mail address in the description of the ad, leave this option on the default which will not list your e-mail address. It will be sent to a Craigslist e-mail, then directed to your e-mail address.

Responding to e-mails from your ad
Once you receive an e-mail for any questions in regards to the ad you posted, you can then respond to the person e-mailing by re-directing them to the companies Web site by giving them your promotion link in the e-mail response. You would simply reply by saying something like:

"Go to this site to find out more and if you have any additional questions you can contact the Web site directly, and they can answer any questions you may have."

This will assure they visit the site, and you will get the credit for the commission, lead, or click as long as you give them the correct promotion link for the company. This takes a little extra work on your part but, you will see how well this works. A little tip I can give you to make this a little easier is to make up separate pre-written drafts in your e-mail account. This will make it easy by copying and pasting your response to the person making the inquiry about your ad.

As I have mentioned in the above about how to respond to e-mails in regards to your ads on Craigslist, I have another way that will make the responding process easier and automated. If your current e-mail provided has an option for auto-responders you can use that feature to automatically respond to e-mail requests. You will set up a pre-written email (as mentioned above)with your promotion link in the e-mail and set it up to automatically send out the response to the potential buyer. This will allow you more freedom so that you will not need to manually respond to each e-mail. If your current e-mail provider does not have an auto-responder option you can search the Internet for "E-Mail Responders" and you probably will find free ones to use.

Verifying your Ad
When you are done with your ad, submit it; then you will have to do a verification, and check off an agreement. Craigslist may randomly select to do a phone verification. They will want to verify your phone number to assure you are a real person. This does not happen on all ads you place, but may happen from time-to-time.

Note: If you are having problems verifying your ad by phone, you will need to contact Craigslist to work out other means of verification. I`m sorry but I cannot intervene in this process due to dealing with personal information needed for verification.

When you are done with your ad, submit it; then you will have to do a verification, and check off an agreement.

After you have selected the agreement, you will then be brought to the confirmation that your ad has been received for review (see below screen), and a confirmation will be sent to your e-mail. Usually your ads will be running in less than 15 minutes after you post it.

You can do as many ads as you would like, as long as it is not the same posting. Once your ads have expired you can repost them as you choose.

Craiglist has made a lot of people rich who did exactly what you are doing here. For a 100% free method you cannot lose anything by using this service Craiglist offers.

My suggestion is to post about seven to ten different ads for each company you are promoting. Create each ad in a different location, by selecting a few large Metropolitan areas, and a few smaller ones. Again make sure you completely rewrite your ad's title and description for each posing so you do not get flagged for double posting.

If you are having trouble getting your ads posted due to double posting, a little trick is to sign up for another Craigslist account using a different e-mail address. Still, you should re-create your ad; do not use the same ad twice in a different location while your ads are active.

Additional Craigslist Opportunity - Many people have been promoting their Craigslist ad links. I will explain what to do; you are going to still post whatever companies you would like to Craigslist ads. Every Craigslist ad you will create will have is separate Web address URL, which can be promoted by using all of the posting methods we provide. What this has been doing for our members is getting their Craigslist ads indexed on the search engines, as well as producing quick sales. As I mentioned to go to Google and do some searches, and you will see several Craigslist ads that have been indexed in their search engine, many of these may be current members.

Posting to Craigslist - VIDEO TUTORIALS




In my next post I will talk about the 4 and 5 posting methods.

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